Faye Bogner, a long-time Homestead resident and Realtor, compiled a scrapbook of newspaper articles about the integration of South Dade High School in the late 1960s. In response to requests, pdf files of the pages are now available for download.

Loose pages in the front of the album
Pages 1 – 49
Pages 50 – 100
Pages 101 – 150
Pages 151 – 199
Pages 200 – 238

For those who would like to download the entire file at one time, here is the link. Please understand that this is a large file (183Mb) and will take some time to download.

Complete file

These clippings only cover 1968 and 1969. If you are interested in researching this subject in more depth, please contact us. We have the newspapers as digital files and will provide a free copy to you if you supply us with an external hard drive with room for 1 terabyte of files.


South Dade High School Integration — 4 Comments

  1. Hello, I was a student at South Dade Senior High during the integration of the school and witnessed the riots.

    • I graduated from South Dade in 1973, when our class voted to have black homecoming princesses, the parents were angry. I know because I was in the Pep squad float and heard the awful jeers and racist flags. I heard them talking at my Grandmothers house when I was in middle school,so I went to school with my friend when all the white parents protested by keeping their students home. It was a good thing that our student council got rebels and Dixie removed.

  2. Hi, I have recently absorbed by the chain of events and editorials ensuing from the controversy over the “Rebels” and its insignia. However, I have been left with a few questions such as ultimately what was the general reaction to the outcome of the suit on behalf of the Concerned Parents Organization?

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